KCAI Students Draw for Free - Illustration Academy Figure Drawing Session

Image by Illustration Academy instructor, George Pratt.

Image by Illustration Academy instructor, George Pratt.

KCAI students are invited to attend The Illustration Academy's next figure drawing event for free. The event is hosted at InterUrban ArtHouse at their Overland Park location (8001 Conser Street Suite 29, Overland Park, Kansas 66204).

KCAI students will simply need to bring a student ID to waive the $10 entrance fee.

We will continue to offer these events in collaboration with Interurban Arthouse every last Thursday of each month. 

Each session consists of one model. We provide a limited number of easels, drawing horses, and drawing boards. Artists must provide their own art materials for drawing. Depending on attendance, there is typically enough easel and drawing horses for all students. 

Entry is $10 at the door. Entry is 18+. Artists under the age of 18, must be with a parent or legal guardian and/or provide a valid consent form.